Back Pain & Neck Pain/Dysfunction
80% adults suffer from back and neck pain and it is one of the most Commonly treated diagnoses for patients seen for spine-related pain include
- Low Back Pain,
- Neck Pain,
- Sciatica,
- Herniated or Bulging Disc,
- Lumbar-cevical Stenosis,
- Spondylosis
- Spondylolisthesis
- Bone Spur,
- Degenerative Disc Disease,
- Degenerative Joint Disease,
- Sacro-iliac Joint Pain,
- Piriformis Syndrome.
- Muscle strain
- Fractures
- Muscle weakness
- Whiplash associated disorder
We have noticed a high treatment success rate with these patients regardless of prior diagnosis or image finding(s) (X-Ray, MRI, CT Scan). Majority of them treated with minimal medical intervention.
At Yogi Spine Care & Physical Therapy, all our clinician are trained in Mechanical Diagnosis Therapy founded by the McKenzie Institute ( which has been scientifically proven to be the most effective assessment and treatment method for Musculoskeletal Disorders across the world. Contact us for free info or call to schedule your appointment today!