Sports & Athletic Rehabilitation

Know How physical therapist can help?

Do you have or you know someone who have Sports injury recently or in past and still struggling with going back to game with full potential or difficulties in daily tasks. No matter what kind of injury you sustained, we here to cover your base!

Here at Yogi Spine Care and Physical Therapy specializes in the rehabilitation of recreational and competitive athletes. We provide a thorough  assessment and various evidence based treatment approach for sports-related injuries by well trained movement clinician.

Whether injured during a school practice, recreational center, race or a game, our treatments are intended to help you to return to the sport you love as quickly as possible on post injury. In addition, we will help you not only recover from your injury but also provide you the tools necessary to prevent the likelihood of re-injury.

Symptoms of an acute injury include:

  • Instant pain/discomfort
  • Swelling
  • Mild redness & Warmness & tender on touch
  • Not being able to bare or lift weight on extremity/limb without pain
  • None or restricted movements
  • Significant weakness
  • The joint or bone visibly out of place


Symptoms of a chronic injury include:

  • Pain during play, practice or exercises
  • A dull ache pain at rest
  • Persistent Swelling To return you to your sport at the optimal level, we use a combination of:
  • Manual therapy techniques
  • Sport-specific mobility training
  • Sport-specific strengthening
  • Functional training for sport-specific movement patterns

Various of the most frequent sports injuries:

  • Ankle sprains
  • Shin splints
  • Strain/pulled muscles, eg: Hamstring/Achilles strains
  • ITB Syndrome
  • Rotator cuff tendonitis, tennis-golfer elbow
  • Stress fractures
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Post-surgical labral, rotator cuff, meniscus, and ACL repairs
  • Hip impingement

In addition to the above services, our clinician will provide the appropriate recommendations for orthotics or sport-specific braces, as needed.  Finally, we also offer a transitional program to a  personal training. This is a great option for patients who have exhausted their physical therapy benefits but would benefit from continued strength and endurance programs in a clinic-based environment.

Concerned about a sports-related injury or interested in an injury screen? Let’s book your appointment today!